MEGA-RACK selective pallet racking is an ideal pallet rack system used to store different kinds of articles on pallets. In this system, each pallet can be placed, accesed, and moved individual. This facilities the circulation and the handling of articles. 

The beam of selective pallet racking is easy to adjust. Extra pallet bracing can be configured on beams. As a result, our selective pallet racking can bear palletized goods of different specifications.

The palletat the bottom layer can be placed on ground directly. This can help save cost. Of course, the bottom layer can also be designed with beam if necessary.

Slective pallet racking is the simplest and most economical pallet rack system. it takes 35% floor space and 25% spatial area


  • All pallets can be accesed individually and the upper space of the warehouse can be utilized to the fullest.
  • Stock rotation can be achieved.
  • The beams of our selective pallet racking can be easily adjustable to accomodate variable pallet height.
  • Our selective pallet racking can be used in combination with most handling equipment.
  • In general, the height of our selective pallet racking is 10 meters.
  • The availabel accesories can meet various loading needs.
  • Economical beams can be added to the lower layers.
  • The utilization rate of location has reached up to 95%, near 100%. This greatly facilitates the stock rotation.


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Quisque et lectus pulvinar, porttitor mi non, elementum dui. Morbi mi nisl, tincidunt sed venenatis eget, finibus eu mauris. Nullam nisi lacus, feugiat eget varius eget, pellentesque dictum odio. Sed sollicitudin viverra est, at aliquam metus ultrices id. Duis eu purus vel nisl commodo facilisis vitae ut lectus.

Sed elementum dapibus tellus, a dictum metus interdum ac. Nullam condimentum, dui volutpat fringilla molestie, libero tortor ultrices lorem, at tempus diam purus non velit. Aliquam vel nulla eleifend, consequat elit id, tristique massa. Fusce dolor velit, blandit ac erat ac, vestibulum ornare diam.